Ghost Stalkers is an American paranormal television series that premiered on October 19, 2014, in the United States on Destination America. It is executive produced by Nick Groff of Ghost Adventures. The series features a duo of paranormal investigators that came together over their near-death experiences. They want to prove there are portals in the world's most haunted locations.
The series follows two paranormal investigators who each went through an alleged near-death experience (NDE). During their investigations, they experiment with trying to find naturally occurring gateways or wormholes which may connect our reality with alternate realities or differing dimensions.
Ghost Stalkers Cast and Crew
Chad Lindberg – Paranormal Investigator and actor
John E.L. Tenney – Researcher/Paranormal Investigator and author
David Roundtree – Paranormal Devices and Consulting, inventor of new ghost hunting equipment for the guys. ... t-stalkers